

Algerian Qatari Steel Company Sponsors the Jijel Award for Voluntary and Humanitarian Work

Under the generous sponsorship of the Algerian-Qatari Steel Company (AQS), the provincial office of the Algerian Humanitarian Relief Association in Jijel organized the Jijel Award for Voluntary and Humanitarian Work for the year 2024. The distinguished event was hosted in the p ...


Algerian Qatari Steel Company Distributes 1,500 Ramadan Baskets to Support Needy Families in Jijel

In a humanitarian initiative reflecting the values of solidarity and brotherhood that characterize the holy month of Ramadan, the Algerian Qatari Steel Company launched a charitable campaign aimed at bringing joy and reassurance to the hearts of underprivileged families. As part of this initiative, the company dist ...


Commemoration of the Double Anniversary of Hydrocarbon Nationalization and the Founding of the General Union of Algerian Workers

In conjunction with the anniversary of the nationalization of hydrocarbons and the founding of the General Union of Algerian Workers, a celebration was held on February 24, 2025, under the supervision of the Governor of Jijel, Mr. Ahmed Meklati, in the grand hall of the Algerian Qatari Steel Company.

The event was attended by Deputy General Manager Mr. Sofiane Chaib Setti, Secretary-Gener ...