
Steel Careers

At AQS, we feel particularly close to our employees. They are the heart of the company and the center of our actions.

A vision with a youthful spirit

Our company is interested in employing the young group (average age is 34 years old) with a vision of forming a young leadership team in the steel field both internally and externally in the future stages of progress. We consider the young talents of the Algerian Qatari Steel as the most important production engine, on which the global strategy of our company is based. We open wide horizons for our workers to hone their skills in the world of steelmaking through the educational and on-the-job training of workers, which today has earned us a young workforce based on scientific principles in its daily achievements, within a work plan in line with the development of the world steel industry and the standards of quality, safety and preservation of the environment, which are part of our global vision of sustainability

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Human capital

The work team of the Algerian-Qatari Steel Company is made up of Algerian personnel characterized by scientific qualifications and a plurality of talents, reinforced by its foreign counterpart, made up of the best professionals in the steel industry and the most experienced at all levels. levels and around the world, with a total of 2135 workers. Algerian Qatari Steel opens a wide horizon for those who choose the world of steelmaking as a profession in which they will perfect their scientific and technical skills and knowledge, according to the standards of hard and organized work, based on the concept of "the skills …the basis for success."

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